May 31, 2019

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Aws Cloud Cost Saving Process And Challenges

AWS Cloud Cost Saving process and Challenges.

If you are spending 4 digit dollars on every month, then this information is more relevant. Any complex application stack which has Data tier, App Tier, Content tier, Network & Load Balancer Tier and Monitoring Tier. Let’s go through the quick questions .

a. Does the app is being developed through Multi Cloud (Hybrid) approach ?

Formulate the basic checklist questions

  • How does the app/product stack was being deployed ?
  • How does the traffic routing through DNS, LB & App flow?
  • How does the monitoring is being configured ?
  • Peak & offpeak hours ?
  • Devops pipeline and Continuous provisioning model?
  • Security checkpoints & tools ?
  • Disaster Recover mechanism ?
  • Backup’s duration ? Formulate the cost associated to it

b. Does it require 100% instance availability ? Day time & Night time also ?

Choose the right sizing of EC2 instance and what it requires for the app. Steady state: The load remains constant over time, making forecasting simple. Consider using Reserved Instances. • Variable, but predictable: The load changes on a predictable schedule. Consider using Auto Scaling. • Dev/test/production: Development, testing, and production environments can usually be turned of outside of work hours. Temporary: Temporary workloads that have fexible start times and can be interrupted are good candidates for Spot Instances.

c. Does the stack requires to run specific zone ? Can it be run on the lower cost zones ?

  • Amazon EC2 Scheduler & Amazon EC2 API tools –>Programmatically terminates the instances.
  • AWS Lambda –> Threshold based events to trigger the start/stop instances
  • AWS DataPipeline –> Manage through AWS CLI commands for scheduling.
  • Amazon CloudWatch –> stops the unused or underutilized EC2 instances


  • Auto Scaling: This is a straight forward. Automatically increases the number of Amazon EC2 instances during demand spikes Application
  • Auto Scaling: Automatically scales resources for other AWS services
  • Amazon ECS: Can scale services automatically in response to
  • CloudWatch alarms. Amazon EC2 Spot Fleets: Launches or terminate instances according to scaling policies. -Amazon EMR clusters (Elastic MapReduce): Scales out and scales in core and task nodes in a cluster.
    -AppStream 2.0 fleets: Adjusts the size of a fleet automatically based on utilization metrics, and optimizes the number of running instances to match demand. -Amazon DynamoDB: Dynamically adjusts provisioned throughput capacity in response to actual traffic patterns.

OnDemand - Reserved - Spot instances

On-Demand Reserved Spot Instances
$5,000/mo $3,000/mo ($2,000/mo) $1,000/mo ($4,000/mo)
$60,000/mo $36,000/mo ($24,000/mo) $12,000/mo ($48,000/mo)

Storage optimization

  • S3 - Redefine the purge policies & Retention policies , migrate to the cheaper tier.
  • EBS -(Elastic block storage) –>Resize the snapshot and remove the unwanted snapshots

Change the culture:

  • Make use of tagging feature for every resource for better understanding in elastic search and also the cost explorer
  • Not everytime the low cost model is successful. Tradeoffs between speed-to-market and upfront cost optimization are consciously chosen.
  • Costs are clearly allocated using linked accounts and tags. AWS is going very aggressively , frequent reviews on every quarter will help on cost optimization and correct way of doing with AWS.